Kanger OCC Coils - Latest Product Review

Posted by Universal Vaping Supplies 15/09/2021 0 Comment(s)

Kanger OCC Coils - Latest Product Review 


The Kanger OCC (Organic Cotton Coil) from Kangertech features Japanese organic cotton in a huge base. It's nominal resistance is 0.5 ohms (sub-ohm) for devices or 1.2 ohms for devices running. These coils produce a ridiculous amount of vapor and are currently designed for use ONLY in the Kanger Sub-tank. We sell these conveniently in five packs so you'll be set for several weeks after purchasing. The perfect fit for the Kangertech sub-tank series offering multiple resistances and features and a vertical organic cotton coil for the tasty vapor of your e-liquid. The Kanger OCC Coils are made using genuine organic cotton that is unbleached and free of any additives. This will not only provide a much truer taste from your e-liquids but is safer to use as well. These are the new and improved "vertical" version of the OCC coils. If you are looking for quality sub-ohm vaping, the patented new Kanger OCC Coils are a must-try! The Unibargains.co.uk Best price Wholesale product.

Kanger OCC Coils - Latest Product Review


Product Features :


  • Fit for Sub-tank atomizer.
  • Resistance: 0.5 Sub Ohms, 1.2Ohms.
  • 1:1 as original


Package Contains :


  • 1 x Pack of 5 


Product Review :



Organic Cotton Coil head (OCC) and a rebuildable atomizer head. - Sold in packs of five, the Kanger Subtank OCC replacement coils are guaranteed to provide a better drip experience without the hassle of building your own coils. Enjoy a fuller and richer flavor using your favorite e-liquid as your Kanger device vapes up a storm. Kanger Subtank OCC replacement coils are available in 0.5 ohms and 1.2 ohms resistance. Buy the latest Kanger OCC Coils at our site Unibargains.co.uk currently in stock, at the best & lowest wholesale pricing. 

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